Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How many Robot Tankz were Developed?
The supply is 666 unique NFTs
What is the minting price?
0.041 SOL
Will The Robot Tankz collection have rarity?
Yes, NFT Rarity will be available on our website and on community accepted services:
When is the mint date?
May 20, 2022
On which blockchain is the project developed?
On the Solana blockchain network
How many Robot Tankz can I mint ?
Public mint: Fair Launch
Where is Launch?
We will be Launching on Creator Machine Mint Link: TBD (to be determined) Please only refer to the official links posted on our Discord/Twitter. Do not reply to DMs or people trying to impersonate the team. We will not DM you.
What about Mint Proceeds and Secondary Royalties?
We will be using the Mint Proceeds and Secondary Royalties to fund the various aspects of our projects. This includes the Back-End/Testing Stage for the WarFare Tankz Game, $AMMO, Staking, Airdrop and releasing the RobotTankShop
Last updated